Eating The Rich: Failed Class Cannibalism in 2020s FilmIt’s the end of the year. Anecdotally, I feel like there are fewer notable news stories around the holidays. Still, this month we have seen…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
Escapism & Raw Milk: Revisiting CottagecoreIt’s almost 2024, and so many trends have come and gone since 2020 that you’d need a dedicated wiki to name them all. This year alone we’ve…Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
You Can Do It, Baby! — An Examination of TenderqueersGrowing up on Tumblr during the 2010s, I was definitely a part of the tenderqueer subculture as a teenager. I reblogged threads of the many…Jul 25, 2022Jul 25, 2022
“In This House, We Believe” In Virtue-SignalingIf you live in any large city in a blue state, you have probably seen this sign poking out of people’s lawns. Rainbow text on a black…Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
Nostalgia Ouroboros: Thoughts After Spider-Man: No Way HomeLet me first just say that I had a really fun experience seeing this movie and I don’t begrudge anyone having a good time. The spirits were…Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
American Individualism in the Apocalypse GenreDoomsday prepping has become more and more prevalent in the United States, encouraged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the anticipation of the…Jul 2, 20212Jul 2, 20212
In Defense of Jurassic World2015 was a remarkable year. In the U.S., gay marriage was legalized, net neutrality was a hot topic, and Trump announced his bid for the…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021